Ring, Ring, Ring, Jamaican Ring

Brandon and I have been married for two years now and because of life circumstances, we were just recently able to take a real honeymoon. We traveled to the island of Jamaica where piña
--> coladas, wedding ceremonies, daily soliciting, and Bob Marley renditions were in abundance. We had never gone all inclusive before, and we recommend it to anyone looking to relax. It was a wonderful feeling trading the problems of our hectic (privileged) lives for a more simple way. Doesn't the saying go, "No shoes, no shirt, no problem"?! We didn't go quite that far, but close. ;)

Oh, and we attended more weddings that week than in my entire life in the convenience of our bathing suits. Strange? Yep, felt that way for us too, but it saved us on figuring out what to wear!

We were just a little excited!
This would be the mixture of dirt, water, and poo (yes, real poo) that covered our bodies.
I wish I had gotten more pictures, but we were too busy relaxin!
Until next time, don't worry about a thing cause every little thing's gonna be alright.


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